HomeBlogNewsRomania’s RO e-Transport System: A Detailed Overview for Enhanced Road Transport Compliance 

Romania’s RO e-Transport System: A Detailed Overview for Enhanced Road Transport Compliance 

What is the RO e-Transport system in Romania?

Romania’s National Tax Administration and Ministry of Finance have introduced the RO e-Transport system through Government Emergency Ordinance no. 41/2022, amended by GEO 115/14.12.2023. This system revolutionizes the monitoring of road transport of goods within Romania and internationally. 

Comprehensive Scope and Impact of RO e-Transport System

Effective from January 1, 2024, RO e-Transport extends to all international goods transport, with sanctions beginning July 1, 2024. It covers intra-community purchases and deliveries, imports, exports, and intra-community transits through Romania. If transportation includes any of the following goods then e-transportation is mandatory whether it supplied within Romania or not; 

Goods with Fiscal Risk: 

The RO e-Transport system targets goods with fiscal risk, requiring their declaration. The list includes: 

  • Vegetables, plants, roots, and tubers;
  • Comestible fruits and citrus fruit peels;
  • Beverages, alcoholic beverages, and vinegar (excluding excise goods in a suspensive excise duty regime);
  • Salt, sulfur, soil, stones, gypsum, lime, and cement;
  • Clothing and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted;
  • Clothing and clothing accessories, other than knitted or crocheted;
  • Footwear, gaiters, and similar goods; parts thereof;
  • Cast iron, iron, and steel. 

Starting on March 1, 2024, the following goods will also be added to the list: 

  • Edible meat and organs;
  • Fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and other aquatic invertebrates;
  • Milk, dairy products, bird eggs, natural honey, and edible products of animal origin; 
  • Unprocessed or unmanufactured tobacco and tobacco waste;
  • Other processed tobacco, substitutes, extracts, and essences. 

Operational Mechanics of RO e-Transport

Companies must register each transport in the system, accessed through the Virtual Private Space (SPV), to receive a unique ITU code. This code, coupled with the required transport documents, ensures compliance and tracking. 

Mandatory Compliance Requirements of RO e-Transport

The system demands detailed reporting, including sender and recipient information, transport goods details, and locations for loading and unloading. 

RO e-Transport Penalties for Non-Compliance

Non-compliance can result in fines from RON 20,000 to RON 100,000 and the confiscation of undeclared goods. 

RO e-Transport Implementation and Timeline

This mandatory system from January 1, 2024, signifies a critical step in Romania’s digital transformation in logistics and transportation. 

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